How to fetch the track you're listening to from API using React.
I need music.
I think it was my first platonic love… In the sense that I wanted so much to hear the most precious combination of sounds, knowing that it might not exist—ethereal being. And that’s a good thing!
That’s the reason I constantly have music playing from anywhere. I do have a vast digital collection of music on this channel in to archive the music I find & love. But sometimes, in fact most of the time, I’m unable to catch the music I’m hearing at the moment, and it makes me feel as if I just lost the sight (in this case, the sound) of a shooting star…
That’s why I decided to open a account, back in 2011. I wanted to keep track of the music I was listening to and by “scrobbling” the music I could have a record of it available for me and whoever finds my profile. After that, I started to use the API to fetch the music I was listening to and display it on this webplace.
Cute! Doesn’t it? The lil’ animated bars do the trick! The above version is a simplified version of the component, configured via props
, like to show or not show the album cover (if you hover on the text in the component under my name, you’ll see the album cover).
So I only wanted to explain how I do this—probably in the future I’ll do more creative stuff with it :).